Chris Matthews on Sarah Palin: Profoundly Stupid

Chris Matthews
Matthews: Palin "Profoundly Stupid."

Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball, has once again made some very strong remarks at the expense of former Governor of Alaska and GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. “I think Sarah Palin proved herself to be — I think she’s proven herself to be profoundly stupid,” Matthews said  in Los Angeles. “Her inability to answers the questions of Katie Couric, her inability of even now to explain if she ever reads anything.”

Palin: Matthews "Large Poopie-Head."

Palin, when asked to comment, replied “Chin Maddow is a large poopie-head.” When informed by a member of her retinue that the journalist’s name was actually Chris Matthews, Palin said, “I’m not here for name calling, so I don’t care what his name is. He’s a super jerk-face and I can see his butt from my house.”

When asked about the possibility of a run in 2112, Palin said, “With the quality of nylons today I expect a run much sooner.”

“I hope she doesn’t run for our good,” Matthews added.

Yahoo News

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